Hey hey hey! My name is Ji, an empathetic product manager with an engineering and Statistics background. (A true nerd at heart!!! 🤓❤️👩‍💻 )

After graduating from Stanford with a B.S. degree in CS and M.S. degree in Statistics, I was a software engineer at LinkedIn, Mountain View, CA from 2017 till March 2022. During my engineering career however, I’ve always questioned “why” before “how,” and evaluated user experience and engineering cost. I’ve realized how much I love exploring human experiences and how to cherish them.

I’m currently looking for a product manager/owner role. Please find my LinkedIn profile here and resume here.

When I’m not at work, you can find me dribble a puck at a local hockey rink, or at a beach on a surfboard, or on a random street dog-gazing in the city.