Cultivating Insights: A Journey from Data Ideation to Momenti Dashboards

My Role

As the Product Manager responsible for overseeing the development of data dashboards, I was involved in every stage of the product's lifecycle, from initial ideation to validation. I collaborated closely with both data analysts and frontend engineers to conceptualize and create three dashboards that effectively depict the current state of the GIV ecosystem.


The provided videos showcase the three dashboards: the core dashboard, iOS studio dashboard, and web studio dashboard. The core dashboard provides a comprehensive view of key metrics, including the number of created collections, projects, exported projects, published projects, their daily deltas, and the utilization of GIV action types. The iOS and web studio dashboards, on the other hand, focus on user behavior-related data.


When I joined Momenti in January 2023, there were no established metrics for assessing the performance of our GIVs. Initially, we needed to define what constituted success for GIVs. Through internal research and user interviews, I identified a set of metrics that could effectively gauge GIV performance. Subsequently, I collaborated with our data analysts to develop the dashboards.

On March 3rd, we completed the first draft of the dashboards, and I sought internal feedback from the team. Subsequently, I made iterative improvements to the dashboards based on the feedback received.


  • Mondays and Wednesdays consistently exhibit higher levels of project creation and exports.

  • In the web studio, users predominantly employ the drag action type (27.57%), significantly more than the hold action type (10.68%). Conversely, in the iOS studio, the usage of drag (17.47%) and hold (19.17%) action types does not exhibit significant differences.

Key Takeaways

  • It is evident that data consistently yields valuable insights.

  • How to find the appropriate metrics that accurately depicts the current status of the product

Next Steps

With these dashboards, my aim is to uncover latent trends and potential pain points in the GIV production process. Furthermore, I intend to develop a complementary set of dashboards focused on the consumer side, examining user interactions with GIVs.


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